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OPINION: Does the U.S. have too many laws?

An opinion written by Jane Doe

The United States is known for having an overwhelming number of federal laws of the United States Code and no dought there are those that are outdated. One problem is they never really go through the list and just keep adding more laws in the pile and mostly never look at it again. It also creates crazy loopholes.

So yes the US and its states have too many laws. True, you have to have basics to keep the peace from idiots from doing stupid things, but many are unnecessary and some unconstitutional like the Hate Speech laws that violates the First Amendment.

Let me tell you a story, Not long ago In my county, there was a man that was caught stealing a horse which was uncommon today. He was caught and brought to the station to be charged and you wouldn't believe what the punishment was. HANGING. The thief and the cops were like WHAT!? That local criminal law was outdated and over 100 years old, so they quickly changed it. Back then stealing a horse was like stealing a car, but today times have changed.

This is an example of a clusterf*** we have of a system. They just keep adding laws and never go through the older ones. They just keep adding and adding and adding and never remove or update them.


Titles that have been enacted into positive law are indicated by blue shading below. Titles whose laws have been repealed are indicated by red shading below.
Title 1General Provisions
Title 2The Congress
Title 3The President
Title 4Flag and SealSeat of Government, and the States
Title 5Government Organization and Employees[23]
Title 6Domestic Security[24]
Title 7Agriculture
Title 8Aliens and Nationality
Title 9Arbitration
Title 10Armed Forces[25]
Title 11Bankruptcy
Title 12Banks and Banking
Title 13Census
Title 14Coast Guard
Title 15Commerce and Trade
Title 16Conservation
Title 17Copyrights
Title 18Crimes and Criminal Procedure[23]
Title 19Customs Duties
Title 20Education
Title 21Food and Drugs
Title 22Foreign Relations and Intercourse
Title 23Highways
Title 24Hospitals and Asylums
Title 25Indians
Title 26Internal Revenue Code
Title 27Intoxicating Liquors
Title 28Judiciary and Judicial Procedure
Title 29Labor
Title 30Mineral Lands and Mining
Title 31Money and Finance
Title 32National Guard
Title 33Navigation and Navigable Waters
Title 34Crime Control and Law Enforcement[26]
Title 35Patents[27]
Title 36Patriotic Societies and Observances
Title 37Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services
Title 38Veterans' Benefits
Title 39Postal Service
Title 40Public Buildings, Properties, and Works
Title 41Public Contracts
Title 42The Public Health and Welfare
Title 43Public Lands
Title 44Public Printing and Documents
Title 45Railroads
Title 46Shipping
Title 47Telecommunications
Title 48Territories and Insular Possessions
Title 49Transportation[28]
Title 50War and National Defense
Title 51National and Commercial Space Programs
Title 52Voting and Elections
Title 53[Reserved]
Title 54National Park Service and Related Programs
Yeah, that's a HUGE ASS list of regulations and don't get more started with the UK's list. The list of so big that even congress doesn't even know what's in it and probably the same thing with the states. There are conflicting opinions on the number of federal crimes, but many have argued that there has been explosive growth and it has become overwhelming. In 1982, the U.S. Justice Department could not come up with a number, but estimated 3,000 crimes in the United States Code. In 1998, the American Bar Association (ABA) said that it was likely much higher than 3,000, but didn't give a specific estimate.

My God, who reads this?

There's also a Code of Federal Regulations, which is the codification of the general and permanent rules and regulations (sometimes called administrative law) published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the federal government of the United States. The CFR is divided into 50 titles that represent broad areas subject to federal regulation.

Yeah, it's another big list too!

The CFR is divided into 50 titles that represent broad subject areas:[2]

Even each state has their own big list of regulations and codes. No wonder US Judges are stressed and overwhelmed at the job. I bet you anything lawyers don't even read this. 

Comparing to the US Criminal and Singapore's Penal Code, I hate to say this but Singapore's is more comprehensive to understand and easier to classify despite being influences by Common Law. The US criminal law is very huge and I can understand the frustration of judges and cops when it comes to laws.  

I'm not an anarchist or anything I believe in the Rule of Law but it's just too many laws! With no laws there's is no freedom, with too many laws there's is no freedom but if it's just right in the middle, it's fine.

There's are some states like Idaho that are the least regulated and people are happy and enjoy life without so many rules. 

It would be nice to have a reset button. 


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