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Sonic Movie becomes a major hit powered by the fans! May gross $300- $400 million.

Article by Jane Doe


The fans have done it and Paramount's Sonic movie has grossed over $100 million in return and respect for fixing and improving the horrible and creepy 1st model of Sonic. Director Jeff Flower has listened to the fans outcry and backlash and they fixed it! Unlike producer Tim Miller that did Terminator: Woke Fate didn't listen to the fans, treat them like dirt and that movie flopped at the box office. Paramount has been doing a trend on doing new things including starting an animation division and new original/different movies, they better keep it up, if not they'll go down the drain like MGM. 

So, they finally fixed Sonic's design for the live-action Sonic the Hedgehog movie - SGCafe

It could've been worse

okay enough!

In my opinion, I predict that the film will may gross $300 - $400 million while others believe at least over $250 million. Since it's opening it has become the "fastest" grossing video game movie ever! This has been the 3rd film so far to have a fresh rating from Rotten Tomatoes like Angry Birds 2 and Detective Pickachu, Castlevania was the first but it was a Netflix show. 

If Paramount didn't listen to the fans, it would've been a financial disaster for Paramount and obviously a rotten rating about 40% or 25% rotten. 

Birds of Prey was a box office bomb after the actors were bitching and winning about men. 
WanerBros. says the low opening was blamed on similar audience hesitation as in the United States, as well as the outbreak of the Coronavirus in Asia closing some theaters. While the actors are STILL blaming men for the low opening. (It was a dumb movie anyway) ❧


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