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The Well at the World's End by William Morris is now released!


Storyteller Classics proudly presents a high fantasy novel that inspired J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, The Well at the World's End by William Morris. It is considered one of the first modern and influential high fantasy novels ever made.

Using archaic language with elements of the medieval tales which were his models, Morris tells the story of Ralph of Upmeads, the fourth and youngest son of a minor king, who sets out, contrary to his parents' wishes, to find knightly adventure and seek the Well at the World's End, a magic well which will confer a near-immortality and strengthened destiny on those who drink from it. Although the novel is relatively obscure by today's standards it has had a significant influence on many notable fantasy authors. C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien both seem to have found inspiration in The Well at the World's End: ancient tables of stone, a "King Peter", a quick, white horse named "Silverfax", and a character named "Gandalf" are only a few, to say nothing of Ralph's journey home as a denouement, anticipating the Hobbits' return and battle for the Shire.

"I have been more curious about travels from Upmeads to Utterbol than about those recorded in Hokluyt. The magic in The Well at the World's End is that it is an image of the truth. If to love story is to love excitement, then I ought to be the greatest lover of excitement alive!" - C.S. Lewis

"All the workmanship of the book is stout oaken stuff, that must needs endure and preserve the memory of one of the stoutest, cleanest lives that has been lived in these latter days" - H.G. Wells

This Storyteller Classics Edtion of the novel will be made with a premium physical hardcover and we'll re-publish more of William Morris's works under the Storyteller Classics banner.

The hardcover edition is available now to purchase on


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