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Check out "MostlySAFE" as you delve deeper into the underworld Kingdom of Kekistan!

MostlySAFE Webcomic - America's first ongoing Cannabis Webcomic written by CJ Cummings and Tammy Brant with the art and lettering also by CJ Cummings.

Cummings is releasing his new installment of his MostlySAFE comic series, MostlySAFE Volume 2 and he's funding it funding on Indiegogo. 

The comics are based, this is one of the few comics from the leading indie creator movement in the West against the big boys of Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, etc. It's in black and white because the author is respectfully colored blind so Tammy Brant assists with the right colors for the art.

The MostlySAFE Comic began in 2015 and has entered into Season 4 this year. MostlySAFE began the Space Bucket Industry in 2014 that grew into Entertainment and Education. MostlySAFE creates Comics, Graphic Novels, Action Figures, Designer Toys - and Space Buckets of course! They're not just SAFE. They're MostlySAFE! MostlySAFE HQ is located in Portland, Oregon.

Synopsis: "Herein you will find our motley crew of rag-tag adventurers as they venture forth to spread the good news of Space Buckets. Learn how to Grow Your Own! Meet new and exciting cultures like the Kekistan! Join the Gypsies and Tinkers as they hit the road to save their Crew! Enjoy the glorious terrain of the Pacific Northwest! Delve deep into the Grimdark! Experience Adventure and Danger!"

                                             Watch their Indiegogo campaign video. 

Campaign description: 

MostlySAFE New Releases - now available on IndieGoGo!

Out Newest Release!
MostlySAFE presents: #FREEKEKISTAN! MostlySAFE Comic Volume 2!
Continue along in Season 3 with the adventures of the MostlySAFE Crew as they delve deeper into the underworld Kingdom of Kekistan, as Conspiracy Theories continue to unfold, and eldritch gods rouse from slumber.

Learn more about the culture of Kekistan!
Watch the Gypsies defend their Home from Hordes of Kekistan!
Continue to learn about Jabberwocks!
Bonus Comics!
And Moar!
112 Pages!
Croptober Inktober Special!

And don't forget to grab MostlySAFE Volume 1: The Not-So-Secret Space Bucket Society! We are offering this as a Bundle here on IndieGoGo!
Enjoy Season 1 and 2 as the MostlySAFE Crew venture forth in a world where Conspiracy Theories are real, eldritch gods of old lay sleeping, and the Cannabis is DANK!

76 Pages!

And while you are at it, pick up Mustache Ride Customs: The FANDOM MENACE - Side Quests! Every Mustache Ride Ashcan Comic collected into one Comic Book!
38 Pages of Sci-Fi Humor and Adventure!

Starring Kandu Krow and Ganja Squatch - Merc4Hire!
LORD FANTASTIC - with Harlythagn and Murderbot 9000!
The DIY Guy!
R1-74 and Daniel S. Pizza!

Start the fun with 5 stories set within the Mustache Ride Multiverse. Enjoy Issue Number One with 38 pages of Science-Fiction action and adventure!

MostlySAFE has published numerous How-To-Guides, Graphic Novels, and Video Series - and is bringing the FUN to IndieGoGo! There is no delay in completion Campaigns as all Art is completed and printing proofed before Launch.
Once Campaign completes: Orders print and MostlySAFE begins fulfilling!
This is the Way!


Anyway, the comics look cool and unique with a breath of fresh air. If you like the MostlySAFE Campaign, share it on Social Media and use the handy tools provided by IndieGoGo. You can read and keep up to date with their adventures at


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