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3 girls, 3 games, hey why not? |
Full Metal Alchemist is a Japanese Anime/Manga franchise created by the talented Hiromu Arakawa.
It was serialized in Square Enix's Monthly Shōnen Gangan magazine between July 2001 and June 2010; the publisher later collected the individual chapters into twenty-seven tankōbon volumes. The steampunk world of Fullmetal Alchemist is primarily styled after the European Industrial Revolution. Set in a fictional universe in which alchemy is one of the advanced natural techniques revolving around scientific laws of equivalent exchange, the series follows the adventures of two alchemist brothers named Edward and Alphonse Elric, who are searching for the philosopher's stone to restore their bodies after a failed attempt to bring their mother back to life using alchemy.
In my opinion, it's the "Prequel Trilogy of Video Games."
But now let's talk about the PS2 games. Square Enix has released three action role-playing games (ARPG)—Fullmetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel, Curse of the Crimson Elixir, and The Girl who Inherits God. All 3 games were developed by a Japanese studio, Racjin.
Bandai also released a fighting game, Dream Carnival, for the PlayStation 2 but I will review that one for another time.
The storylines of the games often diverge from those of the anime and manga and feature original characters. They are considered canon to the manga and the original 2003 series. (and most likely the 2010 series since it's closer to the manga). Each game in this trilogy is unique and stands on its own.
For the first installment to the trilogy, called Fullmetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel, the game was released in Japan on December 25, 2003, and North America on January 18, 2005. The story Taking place between episodes 17 and 18 of the original anime, the game begins with the Elric brothers (somewhat unwillingly being escorted by Major Alex Louis Armstrong) heading to Central City via train. While Ed moans, Al consoles, and Armstrong flexes, the train is suddenly attacked by terrorists. The skirmish eventually ends with one destroyed train and the brothers in the town of New Heissgart, looking for a ride to Central. There, they meet a girl named Armony and learn more of the Philosopher's Catalyst, an item nearly as powerful as the Philosopher's Stone itself, but used to increase the efficiency of alchemy. The Philosopher's Catalyst seems to be directly linked with the berserk chimeras running about, the rogue military force, and the gathering of alchemists in the town. The Elrics soon find that their simple mission for a train turns into much more as they learn about the Catalyst and the dark mysteries surrounding it.
What ya do'n?
For the story, it's great! It's one of the best parts of the game, it's not a masterpiece, but it's good escapism and very original, and each character (including the new ones like Armony) matters in the story. Hiromu Arakawa, the author of the original manga, oversaw the story and designed the characters. Bones, the studio which would be responsible for the anime series, produced 30 minutes of animation. I do not believe the game's story would have been great without her because it's her world, and she knows how it works. Only the animated cut scenes have voiced dialogue, and in-game cutscenes are text only, meaning it will require you to read. You can skip cutscenes, but can't skip in-game cut scenes, weird. The English voice actors from the 2003 anime have reprised their roles for the games. The dialogue is fine, sometimes it uses uncommon words and cliche English idioms when the scene relevant. "When goes around comes around." - Alphonse Elric. I like it.
It's a single-player action role-playing game, which is similar to that of a 3D beat-em-up. It takes heavy influences of the Kindom Hearts series (another franchise Square Enix ). The player takes control of Edward Elric, the main protagonist; besides using his metallic arm as a sword, he is also able to transmute weapons to enhance attack power. Thanks to this, he can attack enemies as he cannot reach and utilize defense. Any object with a "Red Icon" means Ed can only transmute it. As Ed, you can transmute "Stone spikes" and "Stone blocks" anytime on the ground. Stone spikes are good for offense and Stone blocks to block enemy attacks and get higher ground. Ed can also transmute a lance and a sword, both are good weapons to use and you can add elemental items to them. There are only three types: Lighting, Wind, and Fire. You'll never use Wind that much but Fire adds additional damage and Lighting adds paralysis to your enemies. Now one cool thing is when you are knocked out into the air, you can break fall by pressing X just before you hit the ground, it's really useful for getting back into battle. The dogging technique doesn't do well, because enemies can still hit you. Ed can transmute a distraction toy, it's like a walking puppet thing that looks like Ed that plays humorous music that distracts the enemies.
You will encounter military men, alchemists, and beasts called Chimeras throughout the game and they don't play nice. When you defeat an enemy you earn Experience Points; when you earn a certain amount of Experience Points, you level up; Once you level up, so do certain weapons. Both characters can go over Level 100. You can earn additional EXP by defeating an enemy with many combos.
My advice is to level up as best as you can because if you don't it will be more difficult to defeat later enemies in the game.
Each time when you do level up, you earn bonus points to add to both of Ed and Al's character stats.
VIT = Health ATK= Attack DEF= Defence ALC = Alchemy
When your SP gauge fills up little by little as you attack enemies, you'll activate a "Fighting Frenzy" that will make you cause more hit damage and gain extra EXP. But if you or Al are knocked down, you will lose it. There's nothing you can do for Al, but Ed can prevent losing it by break fall by pressing X just before you hit the ground.
So many things to transmute!
You can also transmute weapons exclusively for Al to use, any object with a "Blue Icon" means Al can only use. Al has 3 commands, CALL, TACKLE, & GUARD, and you can also command him to use transmuted weapons that he can use. (Blue & Green icon). With a pun, Al the AI is mediocre, sometimes he can't listen when you want him to, he tackles the wrong way with poor aiming. etc. He's useful for helping you fight off enemies and using the Guard command, but he only guards in front of you. He can be dumb at times and doesn't give you much help, so it's best to have the bonus points for yourself than Al.
Some objects can be transmuted into Canons, Gun turrets, etc. with a "Green Icon" meaning both Ed and Al can use them. Al isn't useless when you command him to use these weapons because he is a good shot. When you use the Gun turrets/Crossbows, they're in third-person with the awkward aiming/controls and Canons are in first-person with better aiming/controls, but all 3 weapons are still great to cause damage. The Arrow (after it's transmuted from the Crossbow; Ed can only use it) acts like a sniper rifle with good damage but has the worst aiming by going with a first-person view and awkward controls. Now the Katana is amazing, with one swipe you can instantly defeat an enemy, however, it's limited to use and there's a random chance of a miss, but it's no doubt one of the best weapons for Ed and Al to use.
All Canons, Gun turrets, and Crossbows require ammo and can reload them at any time with the Metal and Wooden Ammo items.
There are only two mini vehicles that both characters can use, a Mini-tank and a Roller. Both vehicles are useful, the tank does require ammo.
If Ed or Al want to cook something, they can use a Flamethrower to burn their enemies. It's a useful weapon with awkward aiming; talk about the dry heat.
I just want to say, Ed can transmute a weapon that seriously reminds me of a Peashooter from Plants vs. Zombies, which came out 4- 6 years after. Personally, I nick-name them "Ed's Peashooters." These "Peashooters" have 2 variants, one that shoots bullets and one that sucks air to attack enemies thus trapping them. Ed can also make a "little Ed toy" as a distraction for the enemies. Ed can transmute Hiromu Arakawa (appearance as a cow) riding on a little vehicle with humorous music releasing poisonous bubbles.
Disappointingly, there's no 2-player co-op, it's single-player only. It would've helped the game a lot if a "human" buddy with you. The combat in general is slow compared to Kindom Hearts and the alchemy mechanics of the game can be stiff at times.
Every time I see a Bangle item in my inventory, "Beagle" pops into my head. Can't unsee it now.
It will not be an easy journey for you as the game can be challenging to UNFORGIVING, especially during boss fights, so the best part of gameplay is the Items and Accessories where you can equip/use special items to help your characters, such as healing items, attribution items, and power-ups. You can pause the game at any time to access your equipment, I recommend you think tactically when you encounter challenging fights throughout the game. Be sure to look out for useful rare items in the game; you can obtain them by defeating a certain enemy or boss.
Boss fights can be a challenge as each one is different; if you defeat a boss with alot of combos and the quickest time, you'll earn an S-rank with a unique item and +5 bonus points.
Like I said before, the game can be very challenging to also unforgiving, so you must level up, pick the right items and use your tactics wisely (especially boss fights).
So far, I haven't seen any glitches or bugs, however, sometimes I see enemy A.I. hilariously running to walls to reach me or an object has blocked their A.I. path but there's nothing game-breaking.
You cannot save your progress at any point of the game, you must walk toward a "Save point" to save your progress or exit to the main menu; they are located in the levels throughout the game. When you open up the save screen, Ed and Al can recover all their HP. It's like a health station, pretty cool and useful.
Imposter! (Also watch out for the demonic two-headed dogs.)
The graphics didn't age well, it's your typical early 2000's style and some of the character's animations are sometimes stiff, but for its time it's alright and looks nostalgic look'n. The is no widescreen support and only 480i, but you can patch it with unofficial mods. The presentation will look good in HD or SD with a composite cable.
The soundtrack is the best part of the game, it's very original and memorable (sometimes emotional). From classical, piano, rock, and electronic, the score for the game was composed by Tomohiko Sato, Makoto Suehiro, Isao Kasai, and Kenji Tani. It includes three vocal songs: "Flowers of the Hearts" sung by voice actress Motoko Kumai, "Emotionally" sung by Saori Yamada, and "The Enduring Crime" sung by J-pop singer Nana Kitade. Ed's "PIZZA TIME" theme is humorous. WHO WANTS PIZZA! Don't get me started with "The Intersection of Fate", it's so beautiful, it wants to make you cry! There's a song called "Cave" when you're in the cave section, it sounds like you're in a circus in a dream or a carnival ride. I love it! Cave and some other tracks from the game have been unreleased on CD, but you can listen to them on Youtube or online. I ADORE this track, not just my favorite video game soundtracks but also soundtracks in general. The music team did an amazing job on it. This OST gives me nostalgia, it's very strange, even if I've never listened to it before. I guess it's just the style of the early 2000s. The soundtrack is available on CD.
The sound effects are a mix of original and from the anime including Alchemy sound-effects and Al's sounds from his armor. You'll year these effects along with the other two installments. The game is only mono and stereo in decent PCM quality.
Oh, umm...Hi!
For extras, the game comes with goodies and replayability. After you beat the story, there are these treasure chests throughout the levels of the game that contain movie clips and concept art that you can look through in the main menu. However, not all of the chests have them, so find ALL of them in every nook n' cranny because you can easily miss them because there's no going back. Additionally, when you start a new game from your last file after you have cleared it at least once, all of your items will still be present, but your level stats will reset. (DO NOT skip the credits.)
- Great story
- Decent extras; replayability
- Amazing Soundtrack
- Stiff combat/alchemy system
- Can be unforgiving at times.
- Dated Graphics
In conclusion, Good story, alright gameplay. Yes, it's a flawed game, but don't listen to the Western "game journalist" that gave the game harsh negative reviews. It's not perfect, but it's a decent game with a small cult-following (discussions, fan art, etc.) ever since its release in the West. I've almost spent 60 hours into this game, give it a try, give it a chance and see what you think.
8 out of 10
Check out these walkthroughs and useful guides for the game. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps2/918889-fullmetal-alchemist-and-the-broken-angel/faqs
Cover of the Novelization
The next installment of the trilogy is Fullmetal Alchemist 2: Curse of the Crimson Elixir, released in Japan on September 22, 2004, and North American on July 12, 2005. The game's graphics and gameplay have greatly improved, better than its predecessor. It's also a prequel to the first game.
Released in Japan on September 22, 2004, and North American on July 12, 2005; Loosely based around the events of the first few episodes of the original anime (with some plot elements borrowed from the manga). Edward and Alphonse learn of a frightening phenomenon sweeping Amestris; people in many regions are vanishing without a trace, supposedly spirited away by "monsters". Edward and Alphonse meet a strange enigmatic alchemist and an entity called the Phantom. It seems that they have some connection with both the disappearances and the strange creatures (known as Golems) appearing around the countryside, they'll embark on another adventure to discover the truth behind the monsters and the puzzling disappearances. In the story, you will meet Ed and Al's childhood friend, Winry, who's also from the anime and manga.
For gameplay, it's very similar to the first game (also again taken the influence of Kingdom Hearts) but greatly improved with a balanced combat system and natural difficulty giving you a nice challenge, especially during boss fights. It's still single-player and it's a shame it's still not a two-player game. The problems in the first game have been fixed, and the combat is an absolute joy through and through. It certainly helps that the Alchemy mechanic is now way more enjoyable, with pretty much every object having different transmutations that are equally enjoyable to pull off.
Ed can transmute 3 new different types of weapons at any time, an approved lance, a sword, and a hammer. Ed can still transmute stone blocks and stone spikes and use his fists/metallic arm as a sword at any time. You can now block enemies more efficiently unlike the first game.
Speaking of stone blocks, in the first game you can auto-jump on top of it by keep moving forward toward it, but the second game doesn't let you do that for some reason. You'll have to press the jump button to do that.
By the way, Katanas are BACK!
Al is a lot more helpful this time; he's better when you give him commands and his fighting skills have improved. Just like the first game, he's still a good shot while using turrets, canons and etc. Al is STILL a much better shot than you are. This is, of course, in reference to the first game which takes place AFTER the events of this game. I guess it's more accurate to say that Al HAS ALWAYS BEEN a much better shot than you?
Now any transmuted weapon can be used by both Ed or Al, meaning no exclusivity for one another.
Throughout the story, you will encounter human enemies and the new enemy called "Golems". They are very different from Chimeras as they are more quick, slick, and use Alchemic powers. There are 3 types: small, medium and large. Take them seriously, they are not to be underestimated.
Save points have returned.
And just the same, you can give Ed and Al items and accessories that can help them with combat from Elixirs to Armor; when you level up, you earn bonus points. The elemental items (lighting, fire & wind) have been removed, most of the items are elixirs, stuff for armor, vials, and now tonics which permanently increases 1 bonus point.
Throughout the game, there are useful and rare items to find after defeating a certain enemy or event. So be on the look-out for those items because they come in handy.
There's an item called "Milk", an accessory that doubles Ed's gained Exp from enemies, however, it lowers his stats greatly making him vulnerable which is a reference to how Ed hates the dairy product. Fun fact: The author was raised on a dairy farm, Moooo.
Speaking of the author, Ed again can transmute Hiromu Arakawa (a small wind-up cow that wields a giant paintbrush), after she's depleted, you can transmute her into an item called "Beef." Only Ed can use it because Al obviously can't eat.
This RPG element really gives you strategic options during gameplay.
Save points have also returned.
Cats intensifies.
A new addition to the game, there are different types of hidden stray cats to find. Each one will be an item exclusively for Al and their powers are unique from Al being defensively crazy to Al sitting still. (You know how much Al loves cats) Once you find a cat, there's a brief in-game cut scene with humorous music of Ed being aggravated by Al picking up the cats.
Unlike the first game, it's fully voiced dialogue in cut scenes and gameplay, with the original English-speaking cast reprising their roles. It makes the FMA world feel alive. The dialogue is fine but it again uses it uses uncommon words and cliche English idioms when the scene relevant.
"Ignorance is bliss" - Alphonse
Now one criticism I have is that some of the levels can be short, repetitive, and linear. You can't go back after you completed certain parts of the story as you progress.
For the graphics, it also greatly improved. Now with cell-shaded graphics for the characters that fit closer to the anime and the non-cell graphics are better and suppose to act like background images for an anime or animated feature. Character animations have improved and more alive, except they don't move their mouths. The first iterations of the golems resemble that of the Heartless from the Kingdom Hearts series. (Both games are owned by the same company).
There's is no widescreen support, unless you add unofficial patches and it will look good in HD or SD with a composite cable.
The One Ring to rule 'em all!...wait wrong franchise.
For the story, it's decent but not's great as the first game due to its slow pace and a shorter plot. Now I'm not saying the story is bad, I'm just saying it's not as good as the first game; it's decent, I think you will enjoy it for some escapism. The story itself is original with some new interesting characters including the new enemies, as the story has been supervised again by the manga creator, Hiromu Arakawa. It feels a little rushed and has a few continuity errors. (Most likely a cash crab) but it's not a deal-breaker. It is cool you can revisit Lior and Resembool, places from the anime and manga. For those who are newbies to the franchise, there's an introduction about Ed and Al's origins at the beginning. The game includes 30 minutes of animated scenes exclusively for the game.
(DO NOT skip the credits.)
Why isn't this a meme yet?
For the music and sound, Tomohiko Sato, Makoto Suehiro, Isao Kasai, and Kenji Tani have returned from the first game to compose the score with new original music and the original sound effects have returned with new additions as well. It's only in mono and stereo.
There are some easter eggs hidden throughout the levels of the game.
- Good gameplay
- Great soundtrack
- Decent extras and replayability.
- Cool graphics (aged pretty well)
- Short; sometimes repetitive
- Decent story
In conclusion, it's switched, fun gameplay, decent story. I'm not saying you should skip it, because it's an improvement over the first; the Alchemy mechanic is now way more enjoyable, combat is more fluent, Al is more helpful, and the graphics are way better. You'll have a blast if your an action RPG fan or an FMA fan.
Give it a try.
7 out of 10
Check out these walkthroughs and useful guides for the game. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps2/921184-fullmetal-alchemist-2-curse-of-the-crimson-elixir/faqs
The final installment to Racjin's FMA trilogy is called Fullmetal Alchemist 3: The Girl who Succeeds God (yeah I know, blasphemous name), it's a rough fan-translation but can be also called "FMA3: The Girl who Inherits God" which sounds more accurate to the game.
Released on July 21, 2005, only in Japan, it was never released in the West due to low sales. Everything is in Japanese so they never bothered translating it into English, strangely there are some English still present in the interface and during gameplay. There's an English fan-translation by PinoyRecca, you can watch the translated walkthrough on YouTube or read the material on Gamefaqs.
Taking place in Valdolla, a large city completely surrounded by snow-capped mountains. Edward, Alphonse, and Winry meet Sophie Belkman, a fourteen-year-old girl with silver hair and light blue eyes as they sought out the Guardians of Ice, Wind, Earth, and Fire to get closer to solving the mystery of Velza. The game includes 30 minutes of animated scenes exclusively for the game.
Yes, you can finally play as Al being a badass!
The gameplay is like FMA 2 but more improved; instead of linear, it's a semi-open world meaning you can travel to different parts of the city, and you can revisit anytime to gain more experience points. Transmutations are more easier and balanced than the two games combined thus giving you more options. Additionally, you can now control Al by switching back and forth instead of commanding him. He has additional Alchemy powers, high jump, rolling ball, air sucker, and mini bombs. Al can also make his own "Peashooter", distraction toy, and tank variants in the game. You can switch between the two brothers at any time.
Ed's sword is replaced with a Heavy Sword while his Hammer, Lance, Stone Block, and Stone Spikes have remained the same.
Just like the second game, Ed (and now Al) have multiple combat moves to use when you're using melee attacks or with a transmuted handheld weapon. Al can kick-ass in this game!
Similar but different to Fighting Frenzy, you have a "Special Attack" when the SP gauge fills up little by little as you attack enemies. Ed can transmute big rock fists to hit multiple enemies with multiple hits and Al can transmute a big long rock like a log and spin it in a circle to hit multiple enemies within his range. (Pictured above).
Let's not forget about those damn cats because Alphonse just can't help it keeping stray cats that give him bonus points and mysterious abilities. (Yes they're back.)
I wish I can read Japanese. ツ
For the graphics they are visually great, it uses the same engine from the first two games but with the same graphics as FMA 2 with the cell-shaded graphics for the characters that fit closer to the anime, and the non-cell graphics for the backgrounds are the same; some areas look impressive.
Strangely, you can't go over Lv. 99 for both characters, that is the maximum. In the other games, you can go over Lv. 100. I guess they don't want you to go overpowered. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The interface/menus are different, instead of dark like the first two, it's now white. It's mostly in Japanese, but some are in English for some reason.
Again, there's is no widescreen support, unless you add unofficial patches and it will look good in HD or SD with a composite cable.
For the story, it's better than the first two games combined, it's the way an FMA game is supposed to be. It's longer, more dramatic, character-driven, and all the new characters are well developed, and this time it's somewhat non-linear. If you pay attention, there are some call-backs from the first game, trilogies are known to do that in a third and final installment.
The new character in the spotlight, Sophie, a mysterious young girl with a strange transmutation circle-like symbol resembling a flower embedded in her left hand, and like Alphonse, she has a fondness for stray cats. She plays an important role in the story and makes the game unique in its own right.
There's also a funny trio of strange characters you'll encounter in the game, Venus, Trigger, and Hammer. They all work together for the military of Amestris.
The continuity of the timeline is unknown and there's no information anywhere I could find. I wouldn't doubt it's canon.
Your main "home base" in the game takes place in a church, where Edward, Al, Winry, and Sophie take refuge. If you give Sophie certain items additional dialogue and still cut-scenes will unlock, giving you some backstories and some funny goofs. There's an alternate ending if you beat the final "badass" boss. And again, DON'T skip the credits
For the music, it's memorable and unique. I'm assuming Tomohiko Sato and the original music team have returned for the score. Featuring a music video of Nana Kitade's song "Kanashimi no Kizu"(悲しみの傷). All of the sound effects from the first two games have returned with new additional ones. The theme of the trio of Venus, Trigger, and Hammer is humorous and memorable. Daaaan-daaan-daaan. Daaaan-daaan-da daaan (I should stop now.) Ed's PIZZA TIME theme and a few other tracks from the first and second game have returned.
For the extras, it's just like the predecessors; you complete the story at least once, then find all of the "purple crystals" to find movie clips and photos to see in the extras section of the main menu. It will be tricky to find all of the purple crystals, make sure you look at every nook n' cranny as possible. Here's a hint: every "section" of the game such as rooms or areas, has a crystal, there are no more than two. Your EXP will reset, but not your items and or accessories. The extra's gallery has about 96 unlockable images and 10 movie clips. Three of which are the opening, a music video of Nana Kitade's song "Kanashimi no Kizu" (悲しみの傷), and a commercial for the game. To unlock certain items, give items to Sophie when she is standing in the vacant church.
To further experience upon completing a game, save, and it will be listed as cleared one time.
Unlike the previous two installments, Fullmetal Alchemist 3 is two-player via tag battle mode.
You can play as Ed and Al and also unlock Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeye, and Alex Louis Armstrong. You can play alone, or with a partner and defeat all of the opponents to gain a record. But remember, if your partner gets knocked out, you'll lose points. Over time, you can also unlock new areas to battle including a humorous boxing ring!
You can play locally on the same screen; requires a DualShock 2 controller.
Co-op is an amazing addition, now you and your buddy to play as a famous duo together!
Giving Sophie Items will sometimes unlock pictures with a small cutscene with text dialogue, as well as characters available for tag battle mode, along with the fact that she will sometimes give an item back in return.
I've seen a few easter eggs throughout the game, like Hiromu Arakawa (as a cow) writing the original manga for the deadline on a desk, Nana Kitade's music album CD, and a few more that you'll find.
I'm assuming this is an easter egg, in a military base, there's a warning sign in Japanese. I couldn't make it out cuz it was kind-of burly. In the lore of the game's universe, the country Amestris is based on many parts of 20th century Europe using the Latin Alphabet in English. That's why I assumed it was an easter egg, at least a humorous one.
I don't think this is an easter egg or a reference, but after you beat the Wind Guardian boss, you'll hear what sounds like a Halo: CE shotgun blast; I knew I recognized that "iconic" sound effect at first. It was unexpected and it was used only once.
- Amazing gameplay
- Tons of extras and replayability value
- Amazing story
- Good graphics (aged well)
- Good RPG mechanics
- Longer than the first two games
- Great soundtrack
- Local Co-op mode!
- Japanese only; some English
- Can get hard at times through the language barrier when it comes to items.
In conclusion, FMA 3 has the best of both story and gameplay; it's the best one in the trilogy, but sadly it's not in English (you'll get used to it). It's not in the same level as FFVII or Kingdom Hearts but it's one of the best games I ever played, it has more replayability value than the first two combined and it's in my highest recommendation if you're a fan of JRPGs and the FMA anime/manga.
When I went back to the first two games, I was just relieved it was all in English, language barriers can be hard when it comes to items, gear, and the story to know and understand what's going on. If this was released in the west, certain things would have been censored.
Remember, there's an English fan-translation by PinoyRecca. You can watch the translated walkthrough on YouTube or read the material on Gamefaqs. before playing the game.
One can only wonder how legendary this game would have been if the publishers invested in an English localization.
The story stands on its own and a satisfying conclusion to this "trilogy."
9 out of 10
The Trilogy in the nutshell (colorized)
The FMA trilogy is criminally underrated (and also unappreciated) games in the PS2 era with extreme critical reviews from Western critics and never gained the substantial height of popularity in the West. The Broken Angel, Curse of the Crisom Elixer, and The Girl Who Inherits God are each unique in their own right and deserve more recognition since they are hidden gems from an iconic franchise.
There are a few other different FMA games out there, if you can't get enough of the trilogy, Square Enix made a "Dualogy" of Wii games, Prince of the Dawn, and Daughter of the Dusk, except they're not roleplaying games but more action-oriented and adventure. These we're the last FMA games for a console since 2009.
Anyways, there's no such thing as a perfect game and flawed ones can be enjoyed too. Maybee will see the trilogy in the new generation of consoles or another trilogy? Who knows.
Cheers, Æ