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Norfolk #6 will be released on 12/22/21.

Boys night out.

We've officially announced that Norfolk #6 will be released on 12/22/21 and Norfolk #7 to be released later on 2/22/22. 

Digital editing and coloring takes alot work, so it will be awhile before you get to see your favorite green robot again. The cover is not complete just yet but will be revealed soon.

It takes many hours just to color and edit pages. Some I was unsatisfied with, so I had to redraw or redesign to make it just right. 

Why such a long wait for the release?

A few months ago, my computer crashed, resulting a restart with the operating system, thus erasing everything from the hard drive. My program was gone, I tried reinstalled it, but nothing worked. So, since issue #6 is dark in tone, I will give it a noir art style, pure black n' white with limited screen-tones.

BUT, there's good news!

There will be a special preview version of #6 called "Norfolk #5.5 Prelude", that will give the taste of the next issue. The preview will be available to view on the web or mobile on until the final release date on 12/22/21. After that, the Prelude version will be removed. Expect the final version of #6 to be different, as there might be some changes with the art, scenes or dialogue, if i'm satisfied with it or not. Issue #6 will be over 55 pages long with a pure black and white noir style with limited screen-tones.

What about Norfolk #7?

As Norfolk #7 is being made at the same time as #6 back-to-back, it WAS supposed to be released at the same time with Issue #6, but there is some additions that need to be added and there wouldn't be enough time. So, it will be released next year on 2/22/22. (Perfect date). It's expected to be at least 68 pages long. 

What about Norfolk #8, 9, and 10?

It will be awhile before they see the light of day. The series will conclude in late 2022, as it was originally supposed to be 2021 but time constraints and busy schedules gets in the way. 

The three issues will be a 3 part story arc that will have a satisfying ending. 

That's all for now folks, cheers!



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