It's cold...
Norilsk Incident is a dystopian post-apocalyptic book series written by Gabrial and Diana Zang from South America, it consists of 4 intertwined stories, living the same event in parallel, yet from different points of view. The order in which you begin reading (book by book, a chapter from each, etc.) will result in your unique perception of the Universe depicted in them.
Norilsk, a city in the far frozen plains of Siberia is struck by an unknown object falling from the sky, making all the city inhabitants disappear without a trace. For almost a year, military and private parties tried to lead successful expeditions to find out the reason to the disappearance of almost 200,000 people, but every group vanished as well. Four separate parties without knowledge of each other are to try as well. The stories of those group converge, divided in purpose, but bound by destiny.
All 4 books were re-released in a "re-edition" combining the original four books all in one with less shipping costs and a revised translation.