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๐Ÿ˜ฉ Stuttering Problem

Fix your blam!

A guy walks into his doctor’s office and says, “Ddddoc, I’ve bbbeen sssttttuttering ffor yyears and III’m tired of it. Ccccan yyyou hehehelp mmme??? ”

The doc says, “Well, I’ll have to examine you first before I can answer you. ”

The doc examines him and says, “Well, I’m pretty sure that I know what the problem is. ”

The guy asks, “wwwell wwwhat is it, ddoc? ”

The doc says, ”It’s your penis. It’s about about 18 inches long and all of the down pressure is putting a strain on your vocal chords. ”

The guy asks, “Wwwhat ccan wwe ddo about it? ”

The doc replies, “Well, I can cut it off and transplant a shorter one. I can guarantee that the operation will cure your stuttering. ”

The guy says, “Dddo it! ”

The guy has the operation and about four weeks later he comes back to the doctor’s office and says, “Thanks Doc. You’ve solved my problem and I don’t stutter any more but I’ve only had sex once in the past month. My wife doesn’t enjoy it any more. I cannot satisfy her. She liked my long penis. I don’t care if I have to stutter, I want you to put my long one back one! ”

The doc replies, “Nnnnope. A ddddeal’s a ddddeal! ”


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