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๐Ÿป NSFW: What a strange bar...

A salesman from Boston had to make a cold call in a city he had never visited before, San Fransico.

He checked into a hotel the night before his presentation. Bored, he decided to take a walk and find a bar nearby. He found a nice little bar about a block away, sat down at a table and ordered a drink. He noticed 4 walnuts sitting on the bar about halfway down, and a curtain behind the bar. 

About 10 minutes later, some strange music began to play, the curtain opened, and there stood a man, completely naked, with an enormous erection. The man grabs his dick and proceeds to smash all the walnuts with it. Whamwhamwhamwham! 

Then he looks at the patrons and says, "Ta Da!" The curtains close to a round of applause. 

The salesman thinks, "This is the strangest bar I've ever been in." He pays his tab and leaves. Unfortunately, he did not make the sale, so he never had reason to return to that bar.

About 20 years later, now retired, the salesman was traveling and returned to this strange town. He remembered that strange bar and decided to see if it was still there. It was. He went in, sat down and ordered a drink. He noticed that now there were 4 coconuts sitting on the bar, with the same curtain behind the bar. Sure enough, the same strange music began to play, the curtain opened, and the same man with the enormous erection was standing there, completely naked. 

He grabbed his dick and smashed the coconuts with it. Whamwhamwhamwham! He looks at the patrons and says, "Ta Da!" The curtains close to applause. 

The salesman thinks, "I have to find out what this is all about." So, he waits.

About 15 minutes later, the man walks out from behind the bar, completely dressed, sits down and orders a drink. The salesman walks over to him and says, "I was in this place about 20 years ago and caught your act. I've never seen anything like it. But back then you had walnuts, and now you have coconuts!"

The performer said, "Yeah, my eyes ain't what they used to be."


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