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What did the Big Bad Wolf do after his workout? He huffed and he puffed. |
A Zoomer from the city was asked to watch over his uncle's flock of sheep while he was away. The Zoomer thought it was a boring job and wasn't watching his sheep but texting his girlfriend. While tending the flock near a village, he noticed something peculiar. The wind was howling, the branches swaying, and the leaves were rustling as if something heavy and furry were moving through them. His heart skipped a beat, and for a moment, he thought it could be a wolf. He squinted into the distance, trying to discern any signs of movement, but the trees seemed to be blocking his view.
Torn between fear and skepticism, the boy decided to play it safe and thought it would be funny to make a prank about a wolf actually being there. He hurried back to the village, shouting at the top of his lungs, "Wolf! Wolf! I think there's a real Wolf out there!" The villagers saw the terror in his eyes and knew it was serious. They raced to the field with their weapons ready.
As they drew nearer, they could hear the sound of rustling leaves and snarling, confirming their worst fears. But the villagers found out that there was no wolf. The Zoomer laughed and thought it was funny, but the villagers didn't think so. The villagers approached the boy, their expressions were a mixture of anger, disappointment, and sadness. The boy hung his head in shame, unable to meet their eyes. He knew he had been foolish to play such a cruel trick on them and would have to live with the consequences.
The Zoomer apologized profusely to the villagers, promising he would never do such a thing again. They were not entirely convinced, but they decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.
The boy returned to his flock, feeling heavy-hearted and guilty. He spent the rest of the day tending to the sheep, ensuring they were safe and sound. As the sun began to set, he saw the villagers gathering in the distance, their silhouettes growing against the orange sky. He wondered if they would ever be able to trust him again. He knew that he had caused irreparable damage to the trust that once existed between them.
As the villagers dispersed, returning to their homes and families, the boy remained behind, alone with his flock. He could not shake the feeling of guilt that weighed heavily upon him. He knew he had to do something to make amends for his actions.
Hours passed, and the boy continued to tend to his sheep, keeping a close eye on them at all times. He tried to be more vigilant, and more responsible.
One day, while out in the fields, he spotted a Wolf lurking nearby. Without hesitation, he raced back to the village, his heart pounding. He shouted at the top of his lungs, "Wolf! Wolf! It's not a trick, I swear it!"
The villagers, who had grown wary over time, didn't immediately believe him. They had heard his cries before, and they knew how much he had hurt them.
One of the villagers said, "Get outta here, Zoomer. You thieving lair!"
The people were so used to hearing him call that they took no notice of his cries for help.
And when the Zoomer returned, the wolf had his way and killed off sheep after sheep at his leisure. The Boy cried, “Wolf! wolf!” but no one came and the wolf mercifully mauled the boy, like a chew toy, and drugged him into the woods. The beast devoured his body and wore his skin like a piece of clothing.
You cannot believe a liar even when he tells the truth.
Based upon the story "The Boy that Cries Wolf" by Aesop, adapted by Alan Smithee. Edited by A. E. Firestone. Art by A. E. Firestone.