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🗺️ Bob and Frank Abroad on Holiday.

If some people didn't tell you, you'd never know they'd been away on vacation.

    Bob and Frank decided to take the weekend off for a trip to the European countryside. 

One evening, they decided to visit a local bar. "Be careful of scammers," warned their tour guide. "There's a lot of dishonest people in this neighborhood."

Bob shrugged and laughed. "Don't worry, I can always spot a liar."

They went to the bar. At the door, the bouncer stood with his arms folded. "I'm going to have to see some id, gentlemen."

Frank was furious and started protesting. "Of course we don't have id! I'm 26!"

Bob pulled Frank to the side, and whispered "Shut up and let me handle this! He's no doubt used to dishonest people."

Bob approached the bouncer, winked, and pulled out 20 dollars (or whatever the local currency was). "Here's my id, sir."

The bouncer stared, and said, "Sorry, I can't take a bribe."

Bob pulled out $50. "How about now?"

"Sorry, it's against the law."

Bob pulled out $100. The bouncer stared longingly at the money but still refused.

Bob pulled out $200. The bouncer frowned. "All right then. Much as I hate breaking the law, this is more money than I'd earn in a week. You can enter."

Bob and Frank entered triumphantly. After a few drinks, Bob got chatting with the bartender. "You should know, your bouncer is surprisingly honest. I didn't expect in a neighborhood like this to find a bouncer so hard to bribe!"

The bartender laughed. "We don't have a bouncer."

Image: ©Æ Firestone/Storyteller


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