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Alternative Technology & Media

CodePen - Mr JeellyFish pure CSS animation

Most people hate the mainstream and want to look for an alternative. These websites' demographics range from gamers who obsess over how to beat every level on the hardest difficulty without losing, to rabid conspiracy theorists who seek to uncover the deepest secrets—they're all out there. We try to maintain an accurate and up-to-date list of the best sites, but it's sometimes hard to keep up. So, here's the latest.



Gab Poast Gleasonator
Gab is a slow, buggy, and glitchy alternative to Facebook and X that supports true free speech and it does not censor anything. When Gab announces a spin-off product, don't expect it to be completed because most of their side projects are mostly half-assed made. An alternative to X, and supports free speech. More stable and has fewer bugs than Gab. The majority of users are weirdos who like anime and cats. A Twitter-like site created by a weird vegan named Alex Gleason for the alt-left who like their own version of freedom called "safe spaces". Not recommended for Classical Liberals or the Alt-right.
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Spinster Minds Poal
A Twitter-like site created by Mary Kate Fain for radical feminists, Karens, and feminazis of the alt-left. It is a female utopia that women can only dream of. Not recommended for Trads. Minds is a good substitute for Zuckbook. Oh, and you can earn cryptocurrency too! Minds is also decentralized and open-source. An alternative to Reddit without the soyboy mods censoring everything from mommy's basement. However, it has a lower population.
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Invidious Odysee Bitchute
The best way to watch and download YouTube videos privately on the web without ads and Google snooping around looking for our data. Uses peer-to-peer servers and archives comments too! Odysee (formally is a decentralized video hosting website created by LBRY, a company that believes in free speech with a relaxing and user-friendly interface. The LBRY protocol is a decentralized file-sharing and payment network built using blockchain and BitTorrent technology. A British version of Youtube that hosts peer-to-peer videos. A bit clunky at times and barely anything interesting besides videos from the alt-right, conspiracy theories, manosphere content, dull cuckservative politics, boring gamer videos, and the average spicy video.
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An alternative to Wikipedia with credible sources and without bias or propaganda. Written collaboratively by volunteers who contribute and edit without compensation. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. LoLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
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   Search Engines


Yandex_logo Swiss Cows Logo
Yandex Swiss Cows     
From Russia with love, Yandex Search (or Яндекс) is a search engine that provides alternative search results with a different perspective compared to the gatekeeping of Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Some of its code is open-source. Based in Zürich, Swisscows is a free search engine that does not enrich itself from the users' data with no tracking and no data collection. It lets you search the Internet without tracking, anonymously, and without search history. You can also view the URL results in the anonymous preview window. And no, cows are not included! LoLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
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   Review Aggregator


Woke or Worth it. DEIDetected     
A website for reviewing movies, TV shows, and games as an alternative to Rotten Tomatoes, providing unbiased reviews for woke, woke-ish, and non-woke content. A website that detects video games that contain D.E.I., censorship, or other political messages in them. LoLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
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